Develop skills to young peoples e.g. the ability to communicated and work following team spirit. Introduce new generation in the world of technology and initiate them in the applications of robotics in every day life, help them better understand the fundamentals of physics and its everyday usability in our real world Strengthen the self-confidence of young people
Create the necessary bonding between technology and sports, help for a more effective organizing and reinforcing of the already known knowledge and to provide new impulses. Move new generation from passivity inside the “paths” of science, their applications, inside engineering and software development and mechanical engineering. Transform new generation to inventors, who will discover, design and create solutions in everyday life problems.
Train young people to become citizens of the new digital society of information, provide in a long-term way the ability to shape highly skilled executives who will contribute in their country’s economy and technological development. Promote innovation and excellence in forefront technologies and additionally promote critic and research thinking. Familiarize students and adults with Sports and New Technologies